UNESCO Chair Seminars

Nicolas Bricas, CIRAD researcher at MoISA joint research unit, is director of the World Food Systems chair created by Montpellier SupAgro and accredited by UNESCO as part of the international UNITWIN/UNESCO Chairs program, in partnership with Agropolis International institutions.


The aim of the Chair is to increase and disseminate theoretical and empirical knowledge on food systems around the world, especially on those in urban areas, their diversity, dynamics and impacts on people and the environment, with a view to sustainable development.

In addition to its research and training activities, the Chair organizes :


Training seminars

The Chair organizes a training seminar every October that is open to all those interested in contemporary food issues, and as part of the Specialized Masters® in “Innovations and Policies for Sustainable Food” (IPAD) at Institut Agro Montpellier and CIRAD.

The sessions are live-streamed and can be followed from anywhere in the world.

View the 2021 program

You can follow upcoming sessions as well as view videos of past sessions.


Policy briefs: So What ?

Published by Unesco World Food Chair, this series aims to translate research finding into actionable conclusions.

Latest publications involving MoISA joint research unit members:

So What N° 24
Labarre J., Néel C., Perrin C., Bricas N. (2022). A territorial approach to food insecurity factors using open access data
View the publication

So What N° 23
Darmon N., Poinsot R., Vieux F. (2022). More vegetarian meals in school canteens to reconcile nutritional quality and environmental protection in France
View the publication

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