3 Research groups

The Moisa Unit's research activities are organized into 3 research groups focused on scientific themes

  • OSA Research group: Organizations and Actor Strategies

    The OSA research group analyses forms of organisation and modes of coordination, the changes to which they are subject and their impact in terms of sustainability. The main disciplines involved are management sciences – marketing, strategy, entrepreneurship, management and finance – as well as economics and forecasting.

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  • REGULATIONS Research group

    The Regulations research group analyses and accompanies public, private and collective regulations aimed at promoting more sustainable agricultural and food systems in the Global North and Global South.

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  • SAND Research group: Sustainable Food and Nutrition Security

    The SAND group’s focus is on improving and evaluating food secutity and nutrition policies. Its work is based on the complementarity of various disciplines: epidemiology, public nutrition, economics and sociology. SAND is especially interested in a particular component of food systems: the sustainability of dietary behaviours along four dimensions (nutrition, ecological environment, economics and social). Our team’s strength lies in adopting an interdisciplinary approach and methodologies to better grasp these objectives, in particular the multidimensional nature of sustainability.

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