Latest publications from the REGULATIONS research group

Last update: 25 April 2024

A selection of the latest publications



Bouyer F., Thiongane O., Hobeika A., Arsevska E., Binot A., Corrèges D., Dub T., Mäkelä H., Van Kleef E., Jori F., Lancelot R., Mercier A., Fagandini Ruiz F., Valentin S., Van Bortel W., Ruault C. (2024). Epidemic intelligence in Europe: a user needs perspective to foster innovation in digital health surveillance BMC Public Health 24 (article number 973, 20 p.).

Cheriet F., Lubello P. (2024). Acquisitions et déploiement international des firmes multinationales issues des pays émergents : étude du cas de l’entreprise brésilienne JBS. Management international 28 (2): 24-35.

Fabiano F., Daviron B. (2024). China reshaping green value chain initiatives: between global and Southern standards. Third World Quarterly 45 (1): 151-170.

Vasileiou M., Kyrgiakos L.S., Kleisiari C., Kleftodimos G., Vlontzos G., Belhouchette H., Pardalos P., M. (2024). Transforming weed management in sustainable agriculture with artificial intelligence: a systematic literature review towards weed identification and deep learning. Crop Protection 176: article number 106522, 21 p.


Thomas A., Alpha A., Barczak A., Zakhia-Rozis N. (Eds.). (2024). Durabilité des systèmes pour la sécurité alimentaire. Combiner les approches locales et globales. Versailles (FRA): Ed. Quae, 246 p. (Synthèses).

Book Chapters

Alpha A., Bernard De Raymond A., Freguin-Gresh S., Loconto A. (2024). La gouvernance est incontournable... mais est-ce vraiment ce que l'on croit ? . In: A. Thomas, A. Alpha, A. Barczak, N. Zakhia-Rozis (Eds.). Durabilité des systèmes pour la sécurité alimentaire. Combiner les approches locales et globales. Versailles (FRA): Ed. Quae, 23-37. (Synthèses).

Bignebat C., Melot R., Moustier P., Raynaud E., Soullier G. (2024). Effets de la gouvernance territoriale et des chaînes de valeur sur la sécurité alimentaire : exemples au Sénégal, au Maroc et en France In: A. Thomas, A. Alpha, A. Barczak, N. Zakhia-Rozis (Eds.). Durabilité des systèmes pour la sécurité alimentaire. Combiner les approches locales et globales. Versailles (FRA): Ed. Quae, 39-50. (Synthèses).

Boudia S., Jas N. (2024). Technology, pollution, and environment. In: G. Carnino, L. Hilaire-Perez, J. Lamy (Eds.). Global history of techniques: 19th-21th centuries. Turnhout (BEL): Brepols, 721 - 734.

Burnod P., Avadi A., Fernandez P., Feder F., Aubry C., Nordey T., Defrise L., Djigal D., Jolivot A., Dupuy S., Assigbetse K., David-Benz H., Perrin C., Andriamanga V. (2024). Le maraîchage pour les villes africaines : contributions, défis et innovations au regard de la sécurité alimentaire In: A. Thomas, A. Alpha, A. Barczak, N. Zakhia-Rozis (Eds.). Durabilité des systèmes pour la sécurité alimentaire. Combiner les approches locales et globales. Versailles (FRA): Ed. Quae, 223-235. (Synthèses).

Cardinael R., Deheuvels O., Leroux L., Subervie J., Suwa-Eisenmann A., Bessou C., Bouquet E., Catry T., Chikowo R., Corbeels M., Demarchi G., Diouf A., Aziz, Falconnier G., N, Faye N., Fatou, Gignoux J., Icard-Vernière C., Jahel C., Katic P., Libois F., Mercier S., Mouquet-Rivier C., Namatsheve T., Renk A., Sirdey N., Tritsch I., Verger E.O. (2024). Sécurité alimentaire et ressources naturelles : stratégies de diversification. In: A. Thomas, A. Alpha, A. Barczak, N. Zakhia-Rozis (Eds.). Durabilité des systèmes pour la sécurité alimentaire. Combiner les approches locales et globales. Versailles (FRA): Ed. Quae, 189-205. (Synthèses)

Cheyns E. (2024). Voluntary sustainability standards linking conventions, engagements, and multi-stakeholder politics In: R. Diaz-Bone, G. de Larquier (Eds.). Handbook of economics and sociology of conventions. Cham (DEU): Springer, 1-28.

Thomas A., Alpha A., Barczak A., Zakhia-Rozis N. (2024). Introduction de l'ouvrage. In: A. Thomas, A. Alpha, A. Barczak, N. Zakhia-Rozis (Eds.). Durabilité des systèmes pour la sécurité alimentaire. Combiner les approches locales et globales. Versailles (FRA): Ed. Quae, 13-19. (Synthèses).



Aubert S., Dutilly C. (2023). Une approche par les communs pour faire valoir le pastoralisme dans les politiques publiques Natures Sciences Sociétés, 31 (3): 299-311.

Aubron C., Bainville S., Philippon O. (2023). Livestock farming in Indian agrarian change: does it benefit the poor? Revue Internationale des Etudes du Développement 252 (2): 189-224.

Bechoff A., De Bruyn J., Alpha A., Wieringa F.T., Greffeuille V. (2023). Exploring the complementarity of fortification and dietary diversification to combat micronutrient deficiencies: A scoping review. Current Developments in Nutrition 7 (2): article number 100033, 19 p.

Bonnaud L. (2023). Un champ de normes. La normalisation du système agro-alimentaire en France. Regards croisés sur l'économie (33): 59-67.

Bonnaud L., Déplaude M.-O., Jas N., Pinaud S. (2023). Action publique et styles de raisonnement économique. Moderniser l’économie agroalimentaire française au tournant des années 1970. Revue Française de Socio-Economie (31): 131-152.

Castella J.-C., Lu J., Friis C., Bruun T.B., Cole R., Junquera V., Kenney-Lazar M., Mahanty S., Ornetsmüller C., Pravalprukskul P., Vagneron I. (2023). Beyond the boom-bust cycle: an interdisciplinary framework for analysing crop booms. Global Environmental Change 80: article number 102651, 18 p.

Dedieu C., Dupin-Meynard F., Gyorgy E., Négrier E., Oláh G., Sonkoly G. (2023). Dynamics of cultural policy valuations in contemporary Europe. Cultural Trends online first: 1-18.

Figuié M., Mapaco L., Caron A., Hofisso L., Gomes-Jaintilal L., Cappelle J. (2023). Structural drivers of vulnerability at the human-rodent interface in the Limpopo National Park, Mozambique. CABI One Health: 12 p.

Fourat E., Fournier T., Lepiller O. (2023). Le lien social à l'étouffée ? Les sociabilités alimentaires à l'épreuve de la crise de la Covid-19. SociologieS: 20 p.

Galtier F. (2023). Take an inch for a mile. About an error of metrics in WTO rules and its impact on the ability of countries to build public stocks for food security. Food Policy 116 (article number 102400): 20 p.

Goulet F., Aulagnier A., Fouilleux E. (2023). Moving beyond pesticides: exploring alternatives for a changing food system. Environmental Science and Policy 147: 177-187.

Guillot R., Mione A., Aubert M. (2023). Résilience des plateformes alimentaires : analyse du rôle clé des stratégies d’intermédiation. Logistique & Management 31(1): 3-16.

Hobeika A., Stauffer M.H.T., Dub T., Van Bortel W., Beniston M., Bukachi S., Burci G.L., Crump L., Markotter W., Sepe L.P., Placella E., Roche B., Thiongane O., Wang Z., Guérin F., Van Kleef E. (2023). The values and risks of an intergovernmental panel for one health to strengthen pandemic prevention, preparedness, and response Lancet Global Health 11 (8): e1301-e1307.

Kelemen E., Megyesi B., Matzdorf B., Andersen E., van Bussel L.G.J., Dumortier M., Dutilly C., García-Llorente M., Hamon C., Lepage A., Moruzzo R., Prager K., Riccioli F., Yacamán-Ochoa C. (2023). The prospects of innovative agri-environmental contracts in the European policy context: results from a Delphi study. Land Use Policy 131: article number 106706, 12 p.

Le Bourhis J.-P., Bonnaud L., Martinais E. (2023). Redessiner les frontières de l'État environnemental en région. Quête de transversalité et contraintes bureaucratiques. Gouvernement & action publique 12 (1): 119-139.

Luis C., Aubert M. (2023). Evaluating the impact of direct sales on farms’ sustainability: a comparison of metropolitan and overseas France. Review of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Studies 104: 243-271.

Malézieux E., Verger E.O., Avallone S., Alpha A., Biu Ngigi P., Lourme-Ruiz A., Bazile D., Bricas N., Ehret I., Martin-Prevel Y., Amiot-Carlin M.-J. (2023). Biofortification versus diversification to fight micronutrient deficiencies: an interdisciplinary review. Food Security, online first: 1-15.

Montaigne É., Zadmehran S., Coelho A., Messaoudène Y. (2023). Analysis of the 2007-2008 Hérault premiumized grubbing-up campaign: a tool to better understand Fischer-Boel’s 2008-2011 grubbing-up campaigns and the desire in 2022 to reintroduce locally premiumized grub-ups. Wine Economics and Policy 12(1): 81-99.

Moustier P., Holdsworth M., The Anh D., Seck P.A., Renting H., Caron P., Bricas N. (2023). The diverse and complementary components of urban food systems in the global South: characterization and policy implications. Global Food Security 36: article number 100663, 9 p.

Pédèches R., Aubron C., Philippon O., Bainville S. (2023). An ecological reading of crop–livestock interactions-Gers, Southwestern France, 1950 to the present. Sustainability 15 (13): article number 10234, 19 p. 10.3390/su151310234

Recchia D., Perignon M., Rollet P., Bricas N., Vonthron S., Perrin C., Sirieix L., Charreire H., Méjean C. (2023). Store-specific grocery-shopping patterns and their association with objective and perceived retail food environments. Public Health Nutrition, online first: 1-36.

Romagny B., Aderghal M., Auclair L., Ilbert H., Lemeilleur S. (2023). From rural to urban areas: new trends and challenges for the commons in Morocco Journal of North African Studies 28 (1): 57-74.

Sattler C., Barghusen R., Bredemeier B., Dutilly C., Prager K. (2023). Institutional analysis of actors involved in the governance of innovative contracts for agri-environmental and climate schemes. Global Environmental Change 80: article number 102668, 14 p.

Sattler C., Barghusen R., Bredemeier B., Dutilly C., Prager K. (2023). Metadata to describe the dataset on involved actors and their roles in the governance of innovative contracts for agri-environmental and climate schemes. Data in Brief 48 (dataper): article number 109156, 10 p.

Sirdey N., David-Benz H., Deshons A. (2023). Methodological approaches to assess food systems sustainability: a literature review. Global Food Security 38: article number 100696, 11 p.

Tibère L., Poulain J.-P., Fischler C., Bricas N. (2023). Manger à Bamako (Mali) : entre besoins et aspirations. Retour sur les résultats d'une enquête sociologique de 2013 Anthropology of Food 17: 1-17.

Wanjohi M.N., Pradeilles R., Asiki G., Holdsworth M., Kimani-Murage E., Muthuri S., Irache A., Laar A., Zotor F., Tandoh A., Klomegah S., Graham F., Araba Osei-Kwasi H., Green M., Coleman N., Mensah K., Akparibo R., Aryeteey R., Rousham E., Bricas N., Bohr M., Griffiths P. (2023). Community perceptions on the factors in the social food environment that influence dietary behaviour in cities of Kenya and Ghana: a Photovoice study. Public Health Nutrition 26(3): 661-673.


Lepiller O., Fournier T., Bricas N., Figuié M. (Eds.). (2023). Studying food and eaters. A cocktail of perspectives and methods. Versailles (FRA): Ed. Quae, 218 p. (Update Sciences et Technologies).

Book chapters

Blay-Palmer A., Valette E., Lepiller O., Di Battista A. (2023). Urbal: a research project. In: E. Valette, A. Blay-Palmer, B. Intoppa, A. Di Battista, O. Roudelle, G. Chaboud (Eds.). Evaluating sustainable food system innovations: a global toolkit for cities London (GBR): Routledge, 18-35.

Bouquet E., Lourme Ruiz A., Bichard A. (2023). Measuring individual and household food security: potential and challenges in nutritional and social science collaboration In: O. Lepiller, T. Fournier, N. Bricas, M. Figuié (Eds.). Studying food and eaters. a cocktail of perspectives and methods. Versailles (FRA): Ed. Quae, 33-45. (Update Sciences & Technologies).

Bricas N. (2023). Comment changer de modèle agricole ? In: N. Wakim (Ed.). Chaleur humaine. 18 réponses à la menace climatique. Paris (FRA): Seuil, 169-183.

Bricas N., Lepiller O., Fournier T., Figuié M. (2023). A fictional introduction : when disciplines cross paths with eaters In: O. Lepiller, T. Fournier, N. Bricas, M. Figuié (Eds.). Studying food and eaters. a cocktail of perspectives and methods. Versailles (FRA): Ed. Quae, 5-16. (Update Sciences & Technologies).

Bruckert M., Lepiller O., Sautier D., Thi Tan Loc Nguyen, Thi Sau Nguyen. (2023). Studying the impact of e-commerce on the sustainability of food systems in Vietnam In: E. Valette, A. Blay-Palmer, B. Intoppa, A. Di Battista, O. Roudelle, G. Chaboud (Eds.). Evaluating sustainable food system innovations: a global toolkit for cities London (GBR): Routledge, 118-143.

Cheyns E., Daoud N. (2023). Contesting and caring: forms of solidarity in local buying groups. In: P. Gasselin, S. Lardon, C. Cerdan, S. Loudiyi, D. Sautier (Eds.). Coexistence and confrontation of agricultural and food models. A new paradigm of territorial development? Dordrecht (NLD): Springer ; Ed. Quae, 199-214. (Nature et société).

Hainzelin E., Caron P., Place F., Alpha A., Dury S., Echeverria R., Harding A. (2023). How could science-policy interfaces boost food system transformation? In: J. Von Braun, K. Afsana, l.O. Fresco, M.H.A. Hassan (Eds.). Science and innovations for food systems transformation. Cham (DEU): Springer, 877-891. Open access book

Lepiller O., Fournier T., Bricas N., Figuié M., Valette É., Blay-Palmer A., Sautier D., Bruckert M., Pérignon M., Nguyen T., Tan, Roudelle O., Wood A. (2023). The URBAL participatory method: collectively documenting sustainable food innovation impact pathways. In: O. Lepiller, T. Fournier, N. Bricas, M. Figuié (Eds.). Studying food and eaters. a cocktail of perspectives and methods. Versailles (FRA): Ed. Quae, 165-175. (Update Sciences & Technologies).

Moustier P., Holdsworth M., The Anh D., Seck P., Renting H., Caron P., Bricas N. (2023). Priorities for inclusive urban food system transformations in the Global South. In: J. Von Braun, K. Afsana, L. Fresco, A.H. M.H. (Eds.). Science and innovations for food systems transformation. Cham (CHE): Springer, 281-303. Open access book.

Orbell C., Liagre L., David-Benz H., Zuleta C. (2023). Des politiques publiques émergentes inspirées des actions de terrain : l’exemple des politiques agricoles et alimentaires d’Antananarivo (Madagascar). In: C. Aubry, C. Margetic (Eds.). Agricultures urbaines en Afrique subsaharienne francophone et à Madagascar Toulouse (FRA): Presses Universitaires du Midi, 77-92. (Ruralités Nord-Sud).

Pereira Garcia J., Capelari M.G.M., Guéneau S., Bacellar Zaneti T., Diniz J.D.A.S. (2023). The role of chefs and gastronomy in transforming the Brasília food system In: E. Valette, A. Blay-Palmer, B. Intoppa, A. Di Battista, O. Roudelle, G. Chaboud (Eds.). Evaluating sustainable food system innovations: a global toolkit for cities London (GBR): Routledge, 36-54.

Perignon M., Lepiller O., Intoppa B., Valette E., Roudelle O., Wood A. (2023). The role of school canteens in building more sustainable food systems? The impact pathways of the “Ma Cantine Autrement” programme in Montpellier. In: E. Valette, A. Blay-Palmer, B. Intoppa, A. Di Battista, O. Roudelle, G. Chaboud (Eds.). Evaluating sustainable food system innovations: a global toolkit for cities London (GBR): Routledge, 77-100.

Valette E., Blay-Palmer A., Lepiller O., Di Battista A. (2023). Mapping change: the Urbal approach. In: E. Valette, A. Blay-Palmer, B. Intoppa, A. Di Battista, O. Roudelle, G. Chaboud (Eds.). Evaluating sustainable food system innovations: a global toolkit for cities London (GBR): Routledge, 1-17.



Ancey V., Pesche D., Daviron B. (2022). Resilience and development: complement, substitute or stopgap solution? The case of sahelian pastoralism Revue Internationale des Etudes du Développement (250): 11-38.

Aubert M., Enjolras G. (2022). Intensive and extensive impacts of EU subsidies on pesticide expenditures at the farm level. Journal of Environmental Economics and Policy 11 (2): 218-234.

Aubert M., Parrot L., Fernandès P., Roux E., Devin J.-P., Enjolras G., Jean-Baptiste I. (2022). When formal and informal networks promote agroecology: a case study of Martinique Island. International Journal of Agricultural Resources Governance and Ecology 18 (3): 258-276.

Aubron C., Bainville S., Philippon O., Dorin B. (2022). Neither corporate, nor family: the Indian “Patronal” farm. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems 6 (Article number 850545): 1-17.

Bendjebbar P., Fouilleux E. (2022). Exploring national trajectories of organic agriculture in Africa. Comparing Benin and Uganda. Journal of Rural Studies 89: 110-121.

Bonnaud L., Anzalone G. (2022). Le conseil agricole comme captation de clientèle ? Le cas de la vente des insectes auxiliaires. Sociologie du Travail 64 (4): 1-23.

Bureau-Point È., Aulagnier A., Barthélémy C., El Kotni M., Goulet F., Hunsmann M., Jas N., Temple L. (2022). Les pesticides au prisme des sciences humaines et sociales. Focus sur les deuxièmes journées d’études du réseau SHS-Pesticides. Natures sciences sociétés 30 (1): 82-88.

Figuié M. (2022). Les relations humain-animal et l'ambition biosécuritaire. Communications, 1 (110) : 127-138.

Fournier T., Lepiller O., Simonet G. (2022). Des fromages en friches. Le difficile renouveau de la production fromagère dans une vallée post-industrielle ariégeoise = Cheeses lying fallow. The difficult revival of cheese production in a post-industrial ariège valley (Pyrenees, France). Revue de Géographie Alpine 110 (2): 16 p.

Guillot R., Aubert M., Mione A. (2022). Les plateformes numériques de vente : quelle(s) opportunité(s) pour les producteurs ? = Digital sales platforms: What opportunity(ies) for producers? Annales des Mines - Enjeux Numériques (19): 35-40.

Jaime G., Hobeika A., Figuié M. (2022). Access to veterinary drugs in sub-saharan Africa: Roadblocks and current solutions. Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 8:558973, 13 p.

Laar A., Addo P., Aryeetey R., Agyemang C., Zotor F., Asiki G., Rampalli K., Amevinya G., Tandoh A., Nanema S., Adjei A.P., Laar M., Mensah K., Laryea D., Sellen D., Vandevijvere S., Turner C., Osei-Kwasi H., Spires M., Blake C., Rowland D., Kadiyala S., Madzorera I., Diouf A., Covic N., Dzudzor I., Annan R., Milani P., Nortey J., Bricas N., Mphumuzi S., Anchang K.Y., Jafri A., Dhall M., Lee A., Mackay S., Oti S., Hofman K., Frongillo E., Holdsworth M. (2022). Perspective: Food environment research priorities for Africa: lessons from the Africa food environment research network. Advances in Nutrition, online first.

Lemeilleur S., Dorville C., Niederle P., Ilbert H. (2022). Analyzing institutional changes in community-based management: a case study of a participatory guarantee system for organic labeling in Brazil. Journal of Institutional Economics 18 (6): 919-935. 10.1017/S174413742200008X

Liguori J., Pradeilles R., Laar A., Zotor F., Tandoh A., Klomegah S., Osei‐kwasi H., A, Le Port A., Bricas N., Aryeetey R., Akparibo R., Griffiths P., Holdsworth M. (2022). Individual‐level drivers of dietary behaviour in adolescentsand women through the reproductive life course in urban Ghana: a Photovoice study. Maternal and Child Nutrition 18 (4) 1-16.

Liguori J., Trübswasser U., Pradeilles R., Le Port A., Landais E., Talsma E., Lundy M., Béné C., Bricas N., Laar A., Amiot-Carlin M.-J., Brouwer I., Holdsworth M. (2022). How do food safety concerns affect consumer behaviors and diets in low- and middle-income countries? A systematic review. Global Food Security 32: article number 100606, 12 p.

Lourme-Ruiz A., Koffi C.K., Gautier D., Bahya-Batinda D., Bouquet E., Dury S., Martin-Prével Y., Savy M. (2022). Seasonal variability of women’s dietary diversity and food supply: a cohort study in rural Burkina Faso. Public Health Nutrition 25 (9): 2475-2487.

Lubello P. (2022). Probit 9 in international trade: another case of institutional path dependence. Review of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Studies 103 (2): 97-16.

Pahun J., Fouilleux E. (2022). Organisational troubles in policy integration. French local food policies in the making. Review of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Studies 103 (2): 1-23. 10.1007/s41130-022-00174-2

Prache S., Adamiec C., Astruc T., Baéza E., Bouillot P.-E., E, Clinquart A., Feidt C., Fourat E., Gautron J., Girard A., Guillier L., Kesse-Guyot E., Lebret B., Lefèvre F., Le Perchec S., Martin B., Mirade P.-S., Pierre F.H.F., Raulet M., Remond D., Sans P., Souchon I., Donnars C., Santé-Lhoutellier V. (2022). Review: Quality of animal-source foods. Animal 16 (1): article number 100376, 16 p.

Rival A., Ancrenaz M., Lackman I., Shafiq M., Guizol P., Djama M. (2022). Addressing the monoculture system: challenges in oil palm-based agroforestry Palms 66 (3): 147-154.

Soullier G., Moustier P. (2022). Contract farming as a last-resort option to finance rice cultivation in Senegal. The Journal of Development Studies 58 (5): 1014-1031.

Valette E., Lepiller O., Bonomelli V. (2022). Des innovations à la transition des systèmes alimentaires : comment penser les conditions et les modalités de leur changement d'échelle ? . Geocarrefour 96 (3): 1-21.

Edited Books

Le Coq J.F., Grisa C., Gueneau S., Niederle P.(eds) (2022). Public policies and food systems in Latin America. Versailles : Ed. Quae, 449 p. (Update sciences et technologies)

Thomas A., Alpha A., Barczak A., Zakhia-Rozis N. (Eds.). (2022). Sustainable food systems for food security. Need for combination of local and global approaches. Versailles (FRA): Ed. Quae, 220 p. (Synthèses).

Book Chapters

Bignebat C., Melot R., Moustier P., Raynaud E., Soullier G. (2022). Land management, value-chain governance and food security : examples in Senegal, Morocco and France. In: A. Thomas, A. Alpha, A. Barczak, N. Zakhia-Rozis (Eds.). Sustainable food systems for food security. Need for combination of local and global approaches. Versailles (FRA): Ed. Quae, 33-44. (Synthèses).

Burnod P., Avadi A., Fernandes P., Feder F., Aubry C., Nordey T., Defrise L., Djigal D., Jolivot A, Dupuy S., Assigbetsé K., David-Benz H., Perrin C., Andriamanga V. (2022). Market gardening for African cities : contributions, challenges and innovations towards food security. In: A. Thomas, A. Alpha, A. Barczak, N. Zakhia-Rozis (Eds.). Sustainable food systems for food security. Need for combination of local and global approaches. Versailles (FRA): Ed. Quae, 201-212. (Synthèses).

Cardinael R., Deheuvels O., Leroux L., Subervie J., Suwa-Eisenmann A., Bessou C., Bouquet E., Catry T., Chikowo R., Corbeels M., Demarchi G., Diouf A.A., Falconnier G., Ndeye Fatou Faye, Gignoux J., Icard-Vernière C., Jahel C., Katic P., Libois F., Mercier S., Mouquet-Rivier C., Namatsheve T., Renk A., Sirdey N., Tritsch I., Verger E. (2022). Food security and natural resources: diversification strategies. In: A. Thomas, A. Alpha, A. Barczak, N. Zakhia-Rozis (Eds.). Sustainable food systems for food security. Need for combination of local and global approaches. Versailles (FRA): Ed. Quae, 171-185. (Synthèses).

Daviron B. (2022). Gouvernement des transitions agricoles, guerres et contingence. In : Goulet F., Caron P., Hubert B., Joly, P.B. (eds.). Sciences, techniques et agricultures : gouverner pour transformer. Paris : Presses des Mines, 125-130. (Sciences sociales)

Figuié M., Alpha A., Martin v. (2022). La résilience des filières agricoles face aux épidémies en Afrique de l'Ouest. In: S. Gardon, A. Gautier, G. Le Naour, S. Morand (Eds.). Sortir des crises : One Health en pratiques. Versailles (FRA): Ed. Quae, 83-99.

Figuié M., Binot A. (2022). Animal health surveillance: from compliance to real governance. In Peyre M., Roger F., Goutard F. (eds.) : Principles for evaluation of one health surveillance: the EVA book. Cham : Springer, 261-272.

Fouilleux E., Gravey V. (2022). The Common Agricultural Policy. In: M. Cini, Nieves Perez Solorzano Borragan (Eds.). European Union Politics (7th Edition). Oxford (GBR): Oxford University Press, 339-354.

Grisa C., Niederle P., Guéneau S., Le Coq J.F., Craviotti C., Borrás G., Campos D., Avila-Sanchez H., Freguin-Gresh S., Scheuer Junior M., Albarracin J. (2022). Food policies and the politicization of food: the Latin American experience. In : Le Coq J.F., Grisa C. Guéneau S., Niederle P. (eds.). Public policies and food systems in Latina America. Versailles : Ed. Quae, 25-65. (Update sciences et technologies)

Guéneau S., Capelari Mauro G.M., Diniz Janaína Deane de Abreu Sá, Pereira Garcia J., Zaneti Tainá B. (2022). The process of politicizing food sustainability in the city of Brasilia: towards a transition of the local food system? In : Le Coq J.F., Grisa C. Guéneau S., Niederle P. (eds.). Public policies and food systems in Latina America. Versailles : Ed. Quae, 287-305 (Update sciences et technologies)

Hobeika A., Figuié M. (2022). Le médicament : du principe thérapeutique à l'écologie des molécules. In: S. Gardon, A. Gautier, G. Le Naour, S. Morand (Eds.). Sortir des crises : One Health en pratiques. Versailles (FRA): Ed. Quae, 65-83.

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Le Coq J.F, Niederle P., Grisa C., Guéneau S. (2022). Introduction - Public policies and food systems in Latin America. In : Le Coq J.F., Grisa C. Guéneau S., Niederle P. (eds.). Public policies and food systems in Latina America. Versailles : Ed. Quae, 9-22

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Last update: 25 April 2024